GETCA 2023 has ended

Many Keynote and Feature Speakers recordings available
Youtube Channel here!

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2. Click any session that says "Recording"
3. Scroll down click the yellow "Video Stream" button

Free access to 50 Teach Your Heart Out Sessions for the next month!
  • Use this link to sign up for your Leaderpass access. 
  • https://app.leaderpass.com/a/VEHRU
avatar for Bobbi Jo Green

Bobbi Jo Green

Bobbi-Jo Green is a teacher, heart event survivor living with heart disease, mother, wife and women's heart health advocate.
Because of limited knowledge about women's heart health, it took almost 10 years from her first heart event symptoms at 31 to receive an official diagnosis of heart disease at 39.

However, given the lack of evidence and research into women’s heart health, Bobbi-Jo continues to pull herself through pain, uncertainty and setbacks but yet continues to advocate for herself and women by staying up-to-date on emerging evidence.