GETCA 2023 has ended

Many Keynote and Feature Speakers recordings available
Youtube Channel here!

Or access on getca2023.Sched.com
1. Sign-in
2. Click any session that says "Recording"
3. Scroll down click the yellow "Video Stream" button

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  • Use this link to sign up for your Leaderpass access. 
  • https://app.leaderpass.com/a/VEHRU
avatar for Scott Couprie

Scott Couprie

Computer Science, CTS
Scott Couprie is a highly respected teacher in the Edmonton area Computer Science community. He was the founding President of the Computer Science Teachers Association of Alberta and received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence for his innovative teaching. He has provided PD in the Edmonton area for years to help build Computer Science teaching capacity. In 2016, he co-founded Codetra. Scott has built full time Computer Science programs at multiple schools and is currently teaching at Strathcona High School in Edmonton.